Cambridge Core Shamanism offers shamanic courses and workshops from one day in length, up to the three-year shamanic practitioner training.
Core Shamanism is not bound to any specific cultural group but aims to reconnect those who have lost their connection with nature, spiritual allies, and ancestors with their legitimate spiritual heritage.
Training at the CCS includes teaching students how to alter their consciousness through drumming, discover their personal spiritual resources, transform their lives, and learn how to help others.
“Shamanism is not a belief system. It's based on personal experiments conducted to heal, to get information, or do other things.” – Michael Harner
All courses are supported by the IPHM.

Shamanic Healing Explained
Shamans have the view that all illnesses have a spiritual cause which is expressed in physical manifestation. They access the client’s health, by checking in with their sacred balance of mind, body and spirit and relates not only to their internal health (relationship to self) but also to their external health (relationship to others and the world around them).
Shamans will track the symptom (which is how modern western medicine see illness), to its source. This is usually based in some sort of trauma that the client has experienced. This trauma energetically imprints that person and if left unattended can develop into emotional, physical, or mental conditions. So simply put, shamans heal the spiritual origin of illness, so that the imprint of trauma can no longer inform the reality or health and the client can return to a state of grace.
Most shamanic healing, focuses on the following aspects: Power loss, Soul loss, Intrusions, Spirit release work, Ancestral work, Cutting ties, House/land cleansing/ healing and Blessings. Shamanism is a path that gives you direct spiritual revelation and autonomy. It is possible to gain a spiritual toolkit that will serve you for the rest of your life and to come into your own personal power.
Shamanic healing can help with:
Confidence loss/ power loss
Experience of trauma, recent or past
Dealing with depression
Lack of focus or clarity
Grief, loss, or bereavement
Negative thoughts
Life transition or change
A feeling something is lost or missing
A sense that energy or entity attachments are present
Relationship difficulties
Unwanted addictions or compulsions
Experiencing inexplicable bad luck (as if you have been cursed)
Who We Are
The Cambridge Core Shamanism Faculty
The Cambridge Core Shamanism Faculty
During the monthly drum journeying session, we will lie down comfortably, and use our breath, will and imagination to let the drum shift our brain waves into the theta state. This is the vehicle upon which we can journey to receive guidance and wisdom from our helping allies, spirits, and ancestors. We aim to receive clarity and understanding, guidance and support to enable us to live our lives as the spiritual beings we are.
The Journey Circle is open to all comers and an opportunity for those who are interested in shamanism to explore different themes and destinations both in the spiritual and physical worlds. Bring your drum or rattle if you have one!
Thomas Marty Shamanic Practitioner
Shamanic healing can help with:
Confidence loss/ power loss
Experience of trauma, recent or past
Dealing with depression
Lack of focus or clarity
Grief, loss, or bereavement
Negative thoughts
Life transition or change
A feeling something is lost or missing
A sense that energy or entity attachments are present
Relationship difficulties
Unwanted addictions or compulsions
Experiencing inexplicable bad luck (as if you have been cursed)
One day workshops
Two Day Workshops
Training Courses
Shamanic Counselling (journeying course – 6 sessions 1-2 hours each)
The Shaman’s Path (two-day intro to Core Shamanism)
Three-year Shamanic Practitioner training (Three-year course)
The Way of the Wolf (4 weekends over 12 months)
Ogam Tree Healing Course (3 weekends over 12 months)
Psychospiritual counsellors co-create and hold a sacred space for the personal unfoldment of meaning and self-exploration for their clients.
The Shadow, comprising our deepest fears, shames, and regrets along with judgments, core beliefs, and unconscious contracts, resides in our subconscious, influenced by past lives and ancestral ties.
What We Do

Since I've been working with Thomas Marty my whole life has been transformed. My energy and enthusiasm are back, and my close friends have actually noticed I'm more radiant with a glow. I'm able to deal with stress easier as I'm less burdened and perception
reasoning and clarity of mind is back. I can now access my power animals and journey to much higher levels with ease in order to gather information and receive messages of guidance. My confidence is back, I’m glowing I’m more outgoing creative and feel at peace. Furthermore, everyone I recommended to work with Thomas has also been completely
transformed which makes me so proud. I feel very honoured to have worked with this wonderful soul. And look forward to working with Thomas again in future lives as we have that sacred connection.
Blessings, blessings, blessings.

Thomas Marty was highly recommended to me in order to clear out some negative
attachments, but what he provided was so much more! He helped me stand in my power, locate, and move these energies as well as use his shamanic gift/knowledge to bring back fragmented parts of myself and heal. Amongst so much more! I was seeking surface healing and he humbly helped me heal in all the ways needed for my soul! He is very knowledgeable and loves to teach. He is truly a blessing to anyone in need. His interests lie in helping and healing; profit comes second to that.
He is amazing at what he does, and I've been blessed to know him!

I’ve worked with Thomas many times on many issues. His work is incredibly deep and successful. He kept me well informed before the session of what would happen and what I can expect. When he was working, I could clearly feel the energy moving and I welcomed the parts of my soul back. I felt safe, well informed, and trustful. After the session, Thomas gave me all the information I needed and sacred prescription for assimilation and further work. I would highly recommend Thomas to everyone. His calm, kindness and knowledge is incredible and his work is life changing. Thank you, Tom.

Tom has developed a remarkable diverse skillset for helping others in need to provide guidance and healing through shamanic journeying and contact with the spirit world. I have found he always works with love, compassion, and care.
I have turned to Tom on various occasions as first port of call for help and guidance for myself and family on troubling health issues. I have been amazed at the tangible healing results, whether working in person or remotely that are very soon apparent after a session together with a calming effect and peace of mind. Also, the messages conveyed from spirit have been very apt and reassuring. Toms shamanic journeying abilities have also helped me often in surprising and remarkable ways to have greater clarity and understanding of issues with my own journey in life. His work always leaves me in wonder and wanting to know more. Thank you Tom.

I would recommend Thomas Marty as a Shamanic practitioner and teacher. I have worked with him for a number of years. In more recent times he put together and developed a 2/3-month program to teach me many new practices and develop my skills further. His style of teaching, encouragement, and coaching made the experience enjoyable and light even when addressing hard subjects. I feel emotionally, physically, and spiritually more grounded after working with him. I would recommend him to others.

The spiritual approach practiced by Thomas as a healer, resonated strongly with me on personal as well as transpersonal levels. I have participated in one of the workshops run by Thomas which explored spirituality. I found my own understanding and experience of spirituality greatly enhanced by his depth of knowledge and experience of Shamanic practices. I received from this workshop what was promised, and in many ways, gained much more than expected. I found Thomas to be open, approachable, and humble in his way of working. Thomas maintained a high standard of professionalism and achieved good rapport with those he interacted with. I have benefited greatly from the many discussions I have had with Thomas in relation to Shamanism and spirituality. Many of these discussions took place whilst on walks in nature. I have found Thomas to be a source of deep wisdom, and the walks have been grounding through live connection to nature. These experiences have enhanced my own spiritual emergence, and I feel immense gratitude to the universe for bringing our paths together.
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You are most welcome to drop us a line if you have any questions or queries regarding our work.
Phone: 07955700066