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Muin pronounced: Mwin

Muin corresponds to the letter M in the Ogam alphabet and is associated with the Vine. This symbol represents prophecy, truth and inner development.

Status: Chieftain-tree

Element: Fire (Blackberry: Water)

Gender: Masculine (Blackberry: Feminine)

Celtic Tenth Month: August

Celtic Tenth Month: August

Powers: Muin is prophecy and inspiration.

Keywords: Harvest, festivity, celebration, successful completion, Alban Elfed, inner development, prophecy, ability to roam widely and gather.

Deities associated with Vine: Dionysus, Bacchus, Hathor.

Interesting Spiritual Information: The release of prophetic powers. Using wine to dissolve the inhibitions allows you to speak with more perception and truth than you might normally. There are times when we need to let our logical and intellectual capacities go so that we can pull in our other resources and let subtle intuition surface and have its say. The Celts also recognized the vine’s predominant growth formation is in the shape of a spiral, a sacred symbol for: consciousness, development, renewal and growth.

Folklore: According to Greek mythology, Dionysus is the god of nature and also the god of wine and inspiration. He was known as the god of ecstasy and his cult was one of the mystery religions. It was Dionysus who first produced wine from the fruit of the vine and taught how to tend for the grapes properly. His nature mirrored the nature of wine as he could bring great joy and ecstasy on one hand, and terrible rage and brutality on the other. He was associated with death and rebirth. As Dionysus wandered the world he was accompanied by his maenads, who were wild women, often drunk on wine and encouraged all they met to worship him. They dressed in fawn skins and carried hazel wands, tipped with pinecones.

Interesting Spiritual Information: The release of prophetic powers. Using wine to dissolve the inhibitions allows you to speak with more perception and truth than you might normally. There are times when we need to let our logical and intellectual capacities go so that we can pull in our other resources and let subtle intuition surface and have its say. The Celts also recognized the vine’s predominant growth formation is in the shape of a spiral, a sacred symbol for: consciousness, development, renewal and growth.

Ogam Healing: Ability to roam widely and gather; Celebration; Conscious development; Divine inspiration;Energising; Festivity; Fun/levity; Inner spiritual development; Increase the positive self; Persistence bears fruit; Positivity; Prophecy; Renewal and Growth; Self-love; Successful completion of project; Wise-ness; Eyesight; Fevers; Headache; Neuralgia; Sleeplessness; Anaemia; Circulation; Heart; Hepatitis; Sore chest; Rheumatism; Varicose veins; Thrush; Exhaustion; Smallpox…

More Medical information and in-depth healing suggestions can be found in my book The Beginners Book of Ogam Tree Healing, or by attending one of my workshops.

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