Tom Marty
The Cambridge Core Shamanism Faculty

BA Hons
I currently work as Head of Welfare (Wellbeing) for an international arts college in the centre of Cambridge. It is a job I love as I get the opportunity to interact and support students in fulfilling their dreams in becoming independent, qualified, and successful artists. My link with the Creative Arts has always been extremely strong. I trained as a professional actor at the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Arts 1981-84 and spent sixteen successful years as a professional actor, writer, and director. When I moved up to Cambridge in 2000, I joined my wife Amanda, as one of the Artistic Directors of Public Arena Children’s Theatre Workshop. As well as running drama classes for young people, I devised and facilitated many creative workshops for different groups in the community. I have been interacting with spirit since I was young, and it was because of these experiences I went down the route of wanting to heal myself and others.
Since the 1990s, I have trained in several holistic healing therapies including the Sacred Trust’s three-year, Shamanic practitioner course.
I am happily married, have three lovely children and a cat.
Writing and playing music has always played a big part in my life, I have played in a number of bands, and am currently recording a new album with Cambridge Producer Dan Wilde. Copies of my music back catalogue can be found on: or at and search for 'ThomasMartyMusic'
I have also written many plays, some seeing the professional light of day with many more performed in community settings. When I moved up to Cambridge in 2000, I joined my wife Amanda, as one of the Artistic Directors of Public Arena Children’s Theatre Workshop. As well as running drama classes for young people, I devised and facilitated many creative workshops for different groups in the community.
The Beginners Book of Ogam Tree Healing available on Amazon, and Kindle. ‘I am Breath.’ Nature is the visible face of spirit. Trees are universal, archetypal
sacred symbols for rebirth, physical and spiritual growth, union, transformation, liberation, sustenance, and fertility. Ogam tree symbols give us the keys to
unlock their treasure chests of healing medicines, spiritual energy, magic power, meditation, and divination gifts.
The Spirit of the Wand is also available on Amazon, and Kindle.
Nature is the visible face of spirit. Tree Magic.
Ogam, when seen as the ancient alphabet of the Celtic Druids, links each letter to a specific tree. Trees are a source of natural energy both in the physical and spiritual world. They are treasure chests with their own medicines, spiritual power, and manifold magical gifts.
In this book, I will lead you through the simple steps of attuning yourself to the spirit of the wand and access the energies associated with specific Ogam trees. Using visualization to create a sacred grove of trees, it becomes a safe place to come and meet and greet the spirits of the trees. It is from this grove that you will be able to attune yourself to all the Ogam energies and channel them into your life. You can then create new situations for yourself or manifest what you wish into being. The wand is an energy focusing tool. It helps focus the energy that has been channeled inside and sends it out its tip. Anyone can play at being a magician, but when you come to the circle ready to work, powered up and prepared, the wand does not let you down.
Thomas Marty has also written two books of fantasy short stories:
The Way of the World available on Amazon, lulu, and kindle.
This debut book for Thomas Marty comprises 15 short fantasy stories, mainly inspired by the city of Cambridge and beyond. Meet an eclectic bunch of characters: the Crowman of Jesus Green - a new slightly suspect superhero for the 21 st Century; Amy, who has an alarming brush with fate when truth pays her a visit; the fantastical reincarnation of the Bansurist of Bewindhi in the heart of King’s College Chapel; the evil presence lurking inside a derelict house in Sturton Street and the postman who delivers more than he should. To name but a few.
a little of what you fancy, available on Amazon, lulu, and kindle.
In this second collection of fantasy stories, meet… the floored genius locked in a fight with his nemesis, who then realises he needs her help to promote his new invention… the modern day Pilgrim investigating his spirituality whilst struggling to read the train schedule… the survivors dealing with devastating earth changes… Dave Green who buys into the idyllic rural dream only to discover the truth is more alarming… Geoffrey and his invisible friend, who together fight against his abusive nanny and the stigma of being unwanted… the Bull God Mithras, who is searching for his next disciple from within the modern British Army… and Mr Mkuzi, leader of a team of spiritual healers cleaning out a hospital’s secret ward of shame.