Creating Sacred Ceremony

Sacred ceremonies help us connect with ourselves and others.
Throughout history all human cultures have had some forms of ritual and ceremony for a wide variety of purposes. Sacred ceremonies help us connect with ourselves and others. We can tune into the living earth, raise, and direct energy, celebrate, or mark an event, and much more.
We will explore how we can create ceremony for celebrating and marking the seasonal holidays (solstices, equinoxes, etc), raising energy for land healing, creating specific blessings, raising energy for personal work, opening-up sacred space for meditation, finding personal creativity, and seeking assistance or guidance from spirit.
There are many reasons why we might want to create and use ceremony in our lives, come and discover what works best for you.
Bring: Food, blanket, water, pen, paper, drums, and rattle if you have them.
Tea, coffee, and biscuits provided.
Creating Sacred Ceremony
To book this workshop or find out more information, get in touch.